Hey there. Are you finding yourself trembling before a discovery call? Or getting off a zoom with a potential client feeling like that could have gone SO much better?

Or do you feel like you just can’t seem to land the clients even though you have leads coming towards you?

I want to share one of my favorite practices that I use in my client world and with my students who are building and scaling their social media management businesses. 


This is ONE practice. ONE step to add to your client experience flow that is purely going to benefit YOU. And you can start doing this TODAY.



We love being self care girlies, but that is not the kind of journaling I am talking about. 


This is all about pre-and-post-discovery call journaling. 


Especially for social media managers who seem to get tripped up before going into a discovery call, this is a practice that will benefit you x10000. 


This practice is going to help you calm your nerves and get you focused before heading into the call.

After the call, it allows you to reflect on the way you felt throughout it, and really allows you to step out of the call and assess if this client is the right fit for you, common themes you see with clients (that you can later create content for yourself on), and what questions in particular you tend to get tripped up on the most (so you can change that). 


Here are my pre-discovery call journal prompt questions: 


  1. What are you most anxious about when going into this discovery call in particular? 

  2. Do you feel like you prepared enough for the call? 

  3. Is this client someone you are potentially excited about? 


Here are my post-discovery call journal prompt questions: 


  1. How do you feel like that discovery call went? How do you think the client felt that went? Why? 

  2. What were the client’s main concerns with their social media & potentially outsourcing it? 

  3. Do you feel like you fumbled/rambled on any questions from this client in particular? Which ones? How would you have answered it better now? 

  4. What are the reasons you would want to work with this client? 

  5. What are the reasons you think this client may not be a good fit? (really think about this, don’t just say none) 

  6. How do you think the client felt about you and your services? Were they interested in services that you don’t offer? List them. (so if you ever want to offer additional services, you can find trends in the services that are in demand across multiple clients!)

  7. How do you feel going into creating a proposal for this client?


Make sure to do both the pre and post prompts before and after your discovery calls, and reflect on past entries too in order to find those similarities.


For example, say you are noticing a trend in your entries around clients struggling with showing up for their personal brands effectively and consistently. How can you create content around this on your socials to answer this for them? On future discovery calls, how can you lead into how your services will help them with this? 


Or if you notice a trend in client’s trying to turn a discovery call into a strategy session, how can you assess this trend and create an eloquent response each time to pivot the call away from that? 


Being intentional in your business will make your business stronger. And it will set you apart from others in your industry. 

Simple practices that you can implement like disco call journaling — could make the difference between you landing that high ticket client or them ghosting you. When you are able to speak confidently to that client about how your services will help them show up for their personal brand, they will know you’re the one they have to work with.


Let’s be intentional, together! Comment below and let me know if you have any questions on this practice and I am here to guide you. 

And to level up even FURTHER - having a top-notch discovery call script to guide you will help you so much. Click here to grab the Social Media Manager Templates that includes my go-to discovery call guide!

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does. Have the best day! - Sam


MY Social Media Strategy


From Geography Teacher to… Social Media Manager?